Freyja Skoll
[ late night devil, put your hands on me ]
T H E | D A T E S | S H E | R E M E M B E R S
| 2014 |
19March - She arrived in Ravenblack.
19June - She sired under Bailee_Novek.
19July - Bailee_Novek severed her.
14August - Grennan named her. This is also her birthday.
21August - The world stopped. Grin went D&B.
7September - She sired under Leo.
| 2015 |
29March - She became Fully Powered.
1April - She and Arya partner-bind.
2April - The last day she saw Arya.
9April - Leo severed her and Grin returns.
15April - Grin sired her.
31May - Eyezac gave her a kitten, that she named Edgar.
July - She enters the Minor League Dueling Tournament. She sponsors herself, and she had no training. She fails, but she tried.
| 2016 |
3May - The incident occurs. Branded, lower spine. Pretends it never happened.
6May - After a period of seeing neither, she assumes Grin and Arya dead, and severed them both.
7May - She sired under Persimmon.
17June - Lyra sired under her.
11August - She quit stripping to manage Persimmon's sweet shop. She eventually hired someone else. Fuck retail.
31August - Gir and Fen gave her a hedgehog. Name:: Ma Petite.
12September - She severed Persimmon and sired under Grin once more.
13September - Persimmon told her he was going D&B.
15October - Abrahm went D&B.
9December - Delilah sired under her.
| 2017 |​
11January - She severed -Lyra-.
17January - She partner-bound to Kean. Meets Jean around this time.
13February - She severed Delilah.
19March - She severed Kean.
23March - Kean went D&B.
28April - Abrahm returned.
5June - She sired Juliette-.
14June - She sired -Lyra- again.
30June - Phineas and Henley replaced glass implant.
4July - Kean returned.
15October - She severed Juliette-.
22October - Silas asked her to marry him when he completes powers. She said yes.
23October - Sees death himself again. He says he doesn't remember attacking her. Some brands never stop burning.
31October - She partner-bound Silas.
28November - Freyja broke up with Brom and Rosa.
| 2018 |​ -
5March - She sired Utcha.
20March - Severed Silas.
21March - Grin severed her as childe.
27April - Caroline Quinn born.
7June - Signs papers; promotion at NipNTip.
11October - Leo sired her.
20November - Severed Lyra.
| 2019 |​ -
19February - Jacomo Varis goes D&B. Leo severs her under her request. Becomes owner of NipNTip again.
31May - Collared by Jean.
31October - Aziza sired her.
21November - Begins dating Ki.
​| 2020 | -
Not much happens. Covid.
14April - Addict bonds with Rhys. He begins teaching her how to play bass. They begin dating.
| 2021 |​ -
29January - Signs up as live seller and buyer/mentor in auctions.
6February - SOLD to Colson for 220k.
21February - Ki proposes.
28February - Begins bone collecting.
11March - Freyja and Shepherd begin dating.
12March - Jean proposes.
7August - Freyja turns and sires Shikha.
19August - Freyja gropes and molests Cliff Burton. Repeatedly.
| 2022 |​ -
18February - Buys a new hedgehog finally.
9March - Aziza Laredo severs Freyja under her request. Utcha also severs her. She severs Shikha.
6June - Freyja opens her Fangtopia account, Fresh 'n Fruity Pirate Booty. It is renamed three days later to Blueberry Bliss, and all of the images she posts are blue-washed.
13June - -Lyra- sired under Freyja once more.
18June - Rabbit and Freyja bind as partners.
June - Leo becomes co-owner of NipNTip once more.
10July - NipNTip renamed to Supernatural Delights.